Sarah Jezebel Deva Article

24.10.2010 Sarah Jezebel Deva

Metal Female Voices Fest VIII

Oktoberhallen Wieze (Belgium)

(Pentax k-x with Tamron SP AF 17-50mm 2.8 XR Di II LD Asp IF and Sigma AF 50-150mm 2.8 EX DC APO HSM II)

As I had a chat for a longer time with someone on the camping ground (we had to get the cars out of the puddles of mud as long as that was still possible), I missed the first three bands of the day (Anwynn as replacement for the rejected Déjafuse, Ram-Zet and Omega Lithium). As the fourth scheduled band The Agonist got stuck in traffic jam the schedule was rearranged again.
By that the former background singer of Cradle Of Filth and Therion Sarah Jezebel Deva was my opener of the day. But also that one got delayed as there were technical issues in the beginning. After everything was working as expected a, let's say it like this, revealing clothed singer entered the stage. That really proved that she had a strong self-assurance! Even more astonished I was due to the shy and reserved stage performance of her that followed. She always hide at the background and instead of her the really well playing bassist took over the lead when interacting with the audience.
From songs selection point of view there were some tracks of Angtoria, some of her own and the Meredith Brooks cover version of "Bitch" (the last one really weak performed and also unsuitable). Overall not that bad but also not overwhelming. In combination with her weak stage performance and the not really great live vocals (the Angtoria songs from CD are really great) made this the worst gig of the day in my opinion.


  • God Has A Plan For Us All
  • I'm Calling
  • They Call Her Lady Tranny
  • Bitch

(list not complete)


