Valkyre Article

21.10.2012 Valkyre

Metal Female Voices Fest X

Oktoberhallen Wieze (Belgium)

(Pentax K-5 with Tamron SP AF 17-50mm 2.8 XR Di II LD Asp IF and Sigma AF 50-150mm 2.8 EX DC APO HSM II)

The last festival day started, something later than last year. But therefore at least not so frozen. Anyhow, the standard way of most of the people: first get a coffee to wake up and get warm. Afterwards take a look at how the day will start.
There were significantly more people than ever before there so early but anyhow it was still quite neat looking through the audience when the Belgian-French gothic / symphonic metal band Valkyre entered the stage. Much you cannot write about that. The band has not yet released a complete album and a long and alternating history with many redeployments behind them. As opener of the day they played a solid set without any outstanding songs. It was not that bad but also nothing that will remain in mind for a longer time. This destiny already had many of the openers of this festival.


  • Wide Awake

(list not complete)


