09.05.2010 Preliminary Round Group A: Slovakia - Russia 1:3
Icehockey WC 2010 at Germany
Lanxess Arena, Cologne (Germany)
(Pentax k-x with Tamron SP AF 17-50mm 2.8 XR Di II LD Asp IF and Sigma AF 50-150mm 2.8 EX DC APO HSM II)
At the evening of 09.05.2010 the preliminary round game between Slovakia and Russia took place at the Lanxess-Arena Cologne in front of an impressive audience. The Slovaks were equal to the Russians across long periods of the game, but unfortunately had to finally admit defeat by 3:1.
Slovakia - Russia 1:3 (0:1 / 0:1 / 1:1)
14:51 / 0:1 / Maxim Afinogenow
29:23 / 0:2 / Alexander Owetschkin
43:51 / 1:2 / Ivan Majeský
:06 / 1:3 / Wiktor Koslow
TDL_INVALIDSlovenský Zväz Ľadového Hokeja Homepage of the Slovakian icehockey organisation: Slovenský Zväz Ľadového Hokeja. | |
Russian Icehockey Organisation Homepage of the Russian icehockey organisation: Russian Icehockey Organisation. | |
Icehockey WC 2010 at Germany Homepage of the icehockey WC 2010 at Germany. |