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ASP Article

10.08.2024 ASP

M'era Luna

Hildesheim (Germany)

(Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II)

As I admired the terrific show of London After Midnight for longer than initially planned, I was only able to arrive towards “Fürst Der Finsternis” at the Main Stage. So, I missed the first appearance of the Berlin a cappella choir Stimmgewalt. You can’t have everything.
Just as already London After Midnight also ASP can look back onto nearly 25 years of stage experience and that you could really tell. An impressive and variable voice combined with great charisma let the audience enthused sing along. All that garnished by a fantastic stage show where also many fire- and fog-effects were used did their part to the overall experience. Besides Stimmgewalt, ASP-front man Alexander Frank Spreng had another card up in his sleeve and that was violinist Shir-Ran Yinon who joined the band from “Duett (Das Minnelied Der Incubi)” until “Ich, Der Teufel Und Du” on stage. I did up to now not know many of the songs of the band. However, I could tell that this became them very well. Towards the end of the set, it was getting really crowded when during “Sing Child” not only Shir-Ran Yinon came back on stage, but also Stimmgewalt was jonining them once more leading to Spreng just making the statement that “Currently it is here on stage nearly as crowded as below where you are standing.”. The closure was finally formed by “Raise Some Hell Now!” of the 2021 album “Endlich” cranking once more up really bad and by that unfortunately finished the first day of the festival.
What I found a little bit disappointing was that the headliner of the M’era Luna only got so short timeslots to play, London After Midnight one hour and ASP also only 75 minutes. Both would have deserved more time than that. ASP I already had two times playing in parallel to other bands on the Wacken Open Air that I wanted to see more than them. So, I was pleased even more to see the men around Spreng finally live and I did not get disappointed at all. There was the full range from slow and solemn songs up to energized rock stunners so that finally I left the festival area that day happy and pleased. ASP did not disappoint me and fulfilled my expectations completely.


  • A Prayer For Sactuary (Intro)
  • Wechselbalg
  • Die Letzte Zuflucht
  • Fürst Der Finsternis
  • Duett (Das Minnelied Der Incubi)
  • Werben
  • Krabat
  • Und Wir Tanzen (Ungeschickte Liebesbriefe)
  • Ich, Der Teufel Und Du
  • Schwarzes Blut
  • Ich Will Brennen
  • Sing Child
  • Raise Some Hell Now!






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