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Sucide Commando Article

10.08.2024 Suicide Commando

M'era Luna

Hildesheim (Germany)

(Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II)

After the day has mainly taken place only on the Main Stage and was characterized by guitar soundsI now went for the first time over to the smaller Club Stage in order to listen to the hard electronic sounds of Suicide Commando. The Belgian is surrounded by his live backstop and barks his songs with his typical Dalek-voice towards the audience.
That has come numerously and it is very crowded in front of the stage so that I am only able to view the show at a very flat angle. The atmosphere is good and loudly the songs are sung along. Already 1986 Johan Van Roy started experimenting with electronic music. So, it is not astonishing that in more than 30 years several albums have accumulated out of which a nice cross section of the oeuvre is presented. Starting at “Cause Of Death: Suicide” of the 2003 album “Axis Of Evil” up to more up to date songs like “Kill All Humanity” of the last album “Goddestructor” from the year 2022. The sun was slowly setting and Suicide Commando were cranking up more and more until at the final song “Die Motherfucker Die” the climax of atmosphere was reached. Admittedly the crowd was requesting one more song but the tight timetable is not allowing this and so Van Roy is only getting back on stage one more time in order to beckon the audience and take a call for the great support.
Generally, I am not that familiar with electronic music but during Suicide Command you could really great flop yourself into the music and simply let you drift along. Around one so much singing and dancing people, good sound and an artist that really had fun during his performance. I was in each case completely pleased.


  • The Gates Of Oblivion
  • God Is In The Rain
  • I’d Die For You
  • God Of Destruction
  • Conspiracy With The Devil
  • Kill All Humanity
  • Cause Of Death: Suicide
  • The Devil
  • We Are Transitory
  • Dein Herz, Meine Gier
  • Die Motherfucker Die






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